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SiteWatch Telematics


SiteWatch Benefits

SiteWatch makes fleet management easier by providing measurable and actionable information. The new innovative solution is more productive and profitable, helping you build a stronger business.

Nothing else quite measures up to the benefits of SiteWatch.

Why SiteWatch?

SiteWatch Helps Your Bottom Line

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SiteWatch Helps Your Bottom Line

Increased production

System capabilities allow you to see which machines are being used and which ones are not. This information will help address any issues, helping to make an immediate improvement on costs of fuel, maintenance and ownership.

Simplified maintenance

Scheduled automatic alerts can be customized at any interval to help streamline scheduled maintenance.  Machines that are serviced on a more consistent basis result in healthier and more productive fleets with maximum uptime.

Reliable security

Protect your fleet with security features such as machine curfew, geofencing and motion detection.  Not only will SiteWatch send text or email messages whenever unauthorized usage or movement occurs, but if your machine does leave the premises, the system can aid in tracking and recovery as well.

Accurate job costing

Detailed and precise machine run time information is provided daily with office software integration, eliminating any need for human data entry.

SiteWatch Saves You Money

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  • Requires less mileage and phone calls to locate a machine
  • Can identify and reduce excessive idling to save money on fuel
  • Make working hours productive hours on your machines
  • Helps with theft recovery and prevention
  • Improves scheduling for timely maintenance and lower repair costs
  • Includes automatic alerts to identify problems before they cause failures
  • Helps reduce planned and unplanned downtime
  • Can lower insurance premiums

SiteWatch Saves you Time

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  • Know the location and status of every machine in your fleet at a glance
  • No need to call operators to collect machine hours
  • Faster, more accurate job costing and tracking
  • Complete diagnostics and preparation before visiting your machine
  • Preprogrammed reports that help you quickly analyze where you can gain more efficiencies
  • Use trends to understand operation characteristics for machines and operators

Watch The Video

SiteWatch Whiteboard Video

The easy-to-use SiteWatch telematics solution provides you with important information about your entire fleet even when you’re not there.


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