The Leica iCONstruct portfolio offers you a straightforward solution that you can customize to match the specific requirements of your road and building construction business. All the sensors and software use the same interface, making it very easy to exchange hardware between jobsites, projects and site teams, providing maximum flexibility and efficiency. Your iCONstruct solution has the capacity to evolve with your business’s needs, so that you can invest in the package you need today and expand your portfolio as required. Maximum efficiency and profitability.
iCON robot 60
High-end robotic total station with superior technology and iCON on-board.
iCON robot 50
One-person operation, saving time and increasing productivity when carrying out layout tasks and as-built checks.
iCON gps 60
Versatile smart antenna for multi-purpose positioning tasks.
iCON gps 80 GNSS
Machine receiver. Versatile, powerful GNSS receiver for machine control and in-vehicle applications.
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