


Compact Track Loaders



Compact Track Loaders တို႔ကို ရွာေဖြလုိပါသည္။ ရွာေဖြသည္


Productivity and Reliability

ဖြင့္သည္ ပိတ္သည္
Productivity and Reliability

Get more done

Climb inside a new CASE compact track loader (CTL) and you’ll feel the difference. Engineered from the ground up, this new line-up of equipment delivers more power. And that’s just the start. Our new CTLs delivers exceptional bucket breakout force (up to 38,7 kN) and hinge-pin height (up to 3.342 mm). All three models deliver superior horsepower, giving you the muscle to get the job done faster. Plus, they’ll run all day long, thanks to improved fuel effi ciency and new 76- to 96.5-lt fuel tanks. One demonstration will prove it’s time to trade up.

Simple and robust undercarriage

Our reliable undercarriage is engineered to hold fast on steep slopes and take command of muddy or sandy terrain. The undercarriage has a rigid track frame with fewer moving parts, so it is more durable and easier to maintain than suspension track systems. The technology on our rollers and idlers reduces maintenance costs and increases undercarriage life. Plus, our new, narrow chassis width makes it easy to load and unload on trailers.

Muscle to spare

CASE compact track loaders have the muscle to get the job done - with rated operating capacities up to 1.948 kg*. Our radial-lift TR270 and TR320 models are engineered for digging, prying and pushing, while the vertical-lift TV380 is for oad-and-carry jobs. Plus, we deliver superior hinge pin height - which positions the bucket higher to load trucks faster and easier.
*With counter weights

The most comfortable cab ever

ဖြင့္သည္ ပိတ္သည္

Comfort for the long haul

There’s no comparison. Our engineers designed a cab that delivers more room, visibility, comfort and control. Not only are they as much as 25 percent larger, but they also feature dozens of upgrades, such as optional heated air-suspension seats, air conditioning, a removable front door and side windows. Our revolutionary ultra-narrow wire side-screen design and larger glass windows give you more visibility. With the CASE-exclusive side lighting, you’ll get more done - day or night.


ကိုယ္စားလွယ္ရံုးကို ရွာေဖြပါ။

CASE ကိုယ္စားလွယ္မ်ားသည္ CASE ထုတ္ကုန္မ်ားအေၾကာင္းအားလံုး သိရွိနားလည္ၾကသည္။

ရွာေဖြမႈစတင္ရန္ ေအာက္ပါအခ်က္အလက္မ်ားျဖည့္သြင္းပါ။


သင္ရွာေဖြေနသာ အရာကို ရိုက္ႏွိပ္ရွာေဖြပါ။

ရလဒ္မ်ား ေတြ႔ရွိပါသည္။

ရလဒ္မ်ား မေတြ႔ရွိပါ။

သင္ႏွစ္သက္ေသာ စာမ်က္ႏွာမ်ားျဖည့္ရန္ ဆိုဒ္တစ္ေလ်ာက္တြင္ ဤအမွတ္အသားေပၚတြင္ ကလစ္ႏွိပ္ပါ။

ကၽြႏ္ုပ္၏အႏွစ္သက္ဆံုးေသာ CASE ယႏၲရားမ်ား
